Disabled Vet, Father of 3
Hermit with a Beat.
Rytmik Studios/Ableton Live for beat making
Equipment (Equipo/장비):
Ibanez Acoustic/Electric Guitar
Yamaha YPG-225 Grand Piano

J Black @BusanBlack

Age 34


Midwest USA

Joined on 7/23/17

Exp Points:
4,039 / 4,440
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.15 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
3y 4m 2d

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Hey all! (Warning!!!! Bloody pictures below!!!)

I've been out for a bit mainly due to the weather getting better and wanting to get the garden started up for the year.

The wife and I have been getting all the seeds started indoors before moving them out to harden up. Got tons of seeds and soil going but then we also wanted to get compost bins built so we can make use of our produce scraps.

However while I was working with a box cutter to shave off some of the trimming for the compost bin I ended up slicing my finger when the spare blade in one of the box cutters came out and jammed through my index finger. It sliced clean through half of my finger up to the nail. The left side of it went completely pale and I remember staring at it and just saying: "Ok... ok... ok... hmmm ok..." Then I looked to my wife who was working on the bins with me and she sees the blood dripping and immediately runs for the first aid kit and pours alcohol all over it. As shes getting it cleaned and wrapped up I'm still just staring at my finger and saying "Ok... ok... ok... this is ok..." Like I was in a some shock seeing the left side of my index finger dangling off.

We went to the E.R. and got it patched up but oh man it was terrible getting the inside of it flushed out with some liquid. The nurse shoved a needle inside of it and flushed it with liquid to get any bits of metal out of it just incase so it doesn't get infected. Then I got a tetanus shot for good measure. So much fun, but at least I didnt lose my finger.

So I've been without much function of my left hand as I cant flex it much to keep the stiches together until it heals in about 2 weeks. Thus I haven't had much music production going and I've only been able to commit to minor yard work.

It is insane how much more difficult basic tasks have become without the use of my hand or in some cases without the use of my index finger.

However, once I'm healed I intend to hop back on and get the brain juice flowing and produce some beats and see how everyone else is doing!

This is after wrapping it up in gauze and holding it in place. Waiting to get it stitched up.


This is from the side where you can see the cut going up to my nail.

When I first cut it the flap of skin was just hanging off and I could see my inner meat.


I hope everyone else is fairing better than myself and wishing all an awesome rest of their leap year February!


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520 Points

Pillbug 5 Points

play bug ball 3D !!

Another 1000 years... another attempt 5 Points

You managed to die in the tournament.

Start your engines! 5 Points

...or pigs... or whatever you have.

Fort Freezer 25 Points

Beat the game as the ice team!

Secret Medal ????? Points

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Let's Get Ready To Rumble! 10 Points

Launch a fighter ship

Scouter Launched! 5 Points

Launch a scout ship

Secret Medal ????? Points

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Secret Medal ????? Points

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Secret Medal ????? Points

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